The department of Botany is considered to be one of the prestigious departments of esteem institute Dhaka College. This department opened its door to the students of Masters in 1995-1996 session. In 1997-1998 session, B.Sc. Honors program was subsequently opened under the National University by Prof. Late Naiyer Sultana (former Principal of Dhaka College, former DG of DSHE and also a former member of PSC. The basic concentration of the Graduation and Masters program covers the following subjects Microbiology, Mycology, Phycology, Higher Cryptogams, Biodiversity, Ecology & Environmental Science, Plant Pathology, Plant Taxonomy, Limnology, Embryology, Plant Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Phytochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Cytogenetics, Cytology, Microbial Biotechnology, Biotechnology etc. The Seminar Library of this department is very rich with thousands of books, publications, journals, paper etc. Excursion is compulsory for all students which gives a practical experience besides the traditional theoretical class-room learning. The students of Botany are also known for their excellent academic results and extracurricular activities like- Debate, Science fair, cultural program, games & sports, essay competitions.